After much deliberation, I have decided to stop writing my blog. This will be my final entry. I will still write and upload photos, but on a much more ad hoc basis.
July flew by. I blinked and it was August. This has prompted me to come to the conclusion that I am too busy to keep up my blog regularly.
I have been busy with work and TQPQ (, which is evolving into a boutique PR agency. I have projects coming in and I hope by early 2014, to make TQPQ my only job. My full time work has improved since speaking with my managers about my issues and worries. I have a new manager, who is looking after me, and I am keeping on top of things at a nice pace. I leave for Australia in 10 days, and I can't wait to see the family and visit my beloved Melbourne, where so much of my story truly began.
I have a band album launch in September, a wedding that I am coordinating, the PhatRice ( launch and 2 Euromoney events in November. Mum is coming back to see me in October and I am planning on taking December off to reflect and recharge my batteries, including a trip to New York, England and Dubai.
I have big plans for 2014.
2013, has been a tough year. Things haven't always gone the way I thought they would. I have learnt a huge amount, which is preparing me for next year. I have gained some valuable life lessons and reaching my one year anniversary of arriving in Hong Kong was a real milestone for me.
For a girl who had never lived away form home, to have moved to the other side of the world, find a job, a community, and start a new life makes me feel blessed. Reaching my year anniversary has had a profound impact on me. To mark the occasion, I got a new tattoo. On my left wrist, I have written 'I Believe' to sum up my year in Hong Kong. I asked mum to write this, so it is written in her handwriting. I had it done on July 25, the exact day I boarded my one way flight to Hong Kong.
When I boarded that flight I had no idea what was going to happen. I couldn't imagine what surprises were ahead. I left with a heart full of faith and all I could rely on right there and then, was my belief. I truly believed moving to Hong Kong was right for me. And it turns out, one year on, it was the best decision of my life.
Living in Hong Kong, on the opposite side of the world to my friends and family hasn't been easy. I have experienced some of the lowest points in my life. I have struggled with my identity, commitment, relationships and health. I have felt more lonely here than I have ever felt in my life. BUT, and it is a big but, I have also found myself. I have found strength, inspiration and support. I have learnt how to time manage, commit, and pick myself up when I fall down. I have learnt how to believe, have faith and how to keep going when you feel like giving up.
I have overcome some hurdles about myself that I was convinced were unchangeable. I have managed to face some harsh truths about myself, and build genuine friendships. Living in Hong Kong means I have had to turn to people for help when I have been desperately in need. This is one of my greatest achievements.
The ability to ask for help has been a life long challenge for me. It has absorbed me, stalled me and stood in the way of progress for years, possibly for my whole life. But when you have no one to turn to, you have to reach out to someone, anyone and take the risk of appearing vulnerable and weak. This I feel is the most important lesson to learn in life, and I don't think I could have learnt it staying in my comfort zone in Hampshire. The power of vulnerability.
My mum used to tell me that when she found God, the burdens of life dropped off her shoulders, as she believed that God had a plan and if God had it covered, and he wanted you to feel loved and comforted, then everything will always turn out alright. Leaning on a higher being, believing in the unknown and believing with all your heart that good things will happen, and if you have unquestionable faith, then the light in your heart will always shine.
The communities I have built over the past year have changed my life. The friends I have made, the visitors who have travelled across the world to see me, and the strangers that have changed my life. I am thankful for the life I have, for everyone in it, everyone who has crossed my path and for every beautiful thing I have seen and done.
So what adventures are around the corner? What surprises are yet to come my way? Who will I meet? Where will the next chapter take me?
The best is yet to come. And I truly believe that.
Thank you to everyone that has supported me, offered advice, cared, loved and helped me through. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the people who have shown me such kindness. I am eternally grateful for everyone that has been a part of my journey. I used to wonder why I struggled so much, but now I know every struggle is a lesson, and the more lessons you learn, the further you will go.
Typhoon season is here in Hong Kong and the rain is coming down hard. Everyone I know and love in England is enjoying the best summer in years. I am glad.
As I head back out into this mad metropolis I call home, I bid you adieu...............
Much love :D x
You can see my home here: