Monday, 30 July 2012

All the buildings have names, 5 minutes late and other observations

As a country girl, the naming of buildings is a strange concept to me. This is clearly something I will have to get to know, pronto. I have my first meeting tomorrow. I will meet Robert to discuss events roles. He has sent his address, now all I have to do is find it.

I remember the first time I went to an interview in London, and getting hopelessly lost. After months of interviews, and getting lost I found my barring’s and can navigate central London with ease. I have always found, if you look lost enough, someone will eventually point you in the right direction.

Problem number two. Heat, sweat and suits. I have spent the last 10 minutes discussing the best way to get to the meeting with the least amount of sweating. Tram then MTR? Tram all the way? Taxi? Tram is the cheapest and longest but the hottest, no air con. The tram then the MTR as Happy Valley doesn't have its own MTR stop. So I would have to catch a tram to the MTR, which is air conditioned and takes me to the building I have my meeting in. Taxi, the most expensive, but the coolest and will drop me outside of the building. Alternatively, I go into Central early in the morning, find somewhere to base myself near, cool down, have lunch. It really is a hard part of humidity.

Why is it when you put on a crisp white shirt, you suddenly forget where your mouth is and pour coffee all down your front?

'I'm running 5 minutes late' is one of the most painful sentences you can hear in HK. With temperatures soaring, strutting round HK to meet people on time, for them to say they are running late, by which time you are covered head to toe in sweat. NOT COOL HONG KONGERS!!!!  

I realised, I'll have to slow my walking speed down. I have developed the London strut, the determined, 'I know where I am going, and I know when I need to be there' walk. This wont do in HK. I will have to slow down to the Chinese pace. They tend to amble down the street. The sort of speed I walk after one or too many at the pub.

Dripping air con units!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwww That is all on this for now.

This is THE city of expensive things. Of showing your worth through cars, apartments and appearance. It's made me realise what's important to me. Being satisfied. Not wanting more. Loving exactly where you are, at this precise moment. As I explained to a friend yesterday, 'I can't stand arrogance, it's boring, it makes for a one subject conversation, you'.

I like diversity and variety. I will be me in this city, a caring, kind and loving girl. Someone of depth and feeling. A girl who knows herself and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. I think a city needs a girl like me. Someone who doesn't just think about themselves.

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