Wednesday, 12 September 2012

A whole new world

Well what a roller coaster I have been on over the past week. I have moved out of the angry German residence and back in to the Happy Valley flat. I have spent the week going round and round in circles and have finally started getting back into the swing of things.

I celebrated (a bit too much) for four days and saw an old friend from school. I was overwhelmed with feelings after my job offer came through; what was expected of me? How was I going to manage? Was this the right thing for me? After a few 'help' emails, my friends responded with comfort and support. I am very lucky to have people to turn too when I need some context applied.

After a few days I started to gather my thoughts and start putting my life back into order. I started writing lots of lists and booking in meetings. I arranged to go in to EuroMoney to see if there was anything I could do before I started to familiarise myself with the role and expectations and complete my visa application. The role is new to me in an industry I know very little about. I am anxious about getting my head around the financial and law world. I collected some magazines and left deciding that the only way to learn is to read and study. I headed to Hong Kong Park where I found a bench and started to read. It is not easy. The language is something I am not used to, and the pages are filled with companies and words not familiar to me. All I could think was 'I do hope after time this all starts making sense to me'.

I decided that I had to take it in steps. I still have three weeks before I start and all I can do is keep reading and researching. I spent the evening researching the role and found some interesting blogs written by top conference producers which helped me understand what role I would be undertaking. It is a huge step up from what I have done previously. My main challenge will be to ask for help. To ask questions and not feel like I am failing because I don't understand everything. I have already booked in another meeting with my new manager next week so I can ask some questions over a coffee.

I also started to catch up on my Feeding Hong Kong work. Emailing and arranging marketing material for the events I have organised throughout September. In addition to all of this I need to find a new place to live. I have a viewing booked in tomorrow to look around two places in Wan Chai. I do hope I find somewhere nice, as I'll be there for the next three months. The company I am using specialises in placing expats newly employed in Hong Kong so they know the market and I know people who have used them before. Fingers crossed second time round I find somewhere nice.

Each day seems to bring with it new challenges. My head is very busy at the moment and I am trying to keep myself occupied. I am daunted by my new job. It's going to stretch me in ways that don't always feel comfortable to me. My friend arrives tomorrow and I will be showing him around Hong Kong. It'll be nice to have a friend in town.

I have been told the first few months are the hardest. Settling into a new life, finding your feet, adjusting to the new and unfamiliar. I have been in Hong Kong for eight weeks and I am definitely still finding my feet here. There is so much going on and it's hard to comprehend how it's all going to work out at times. These feelings aren't new to me. I have a tendency to worry about big changes. I can find comfort in this. New things become familiar before to long. The more you practice the better you become at something.

I will continue to ride the waves that come my way. I may even learn to be a phenomenal surfer in no time..........You never know.........

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