Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Just another day in paradise

I went for a good run this morning after one of the best nights sleep I've had since I arrived. A good hour workout and I had come up with a 'to do list' for this week.

I emailed Gabrielle and began my work for Feeding Hong Kong gathering contact lists for Project3200; September 'food month' campaign. It was nice to focus my mind again.

Some good sayings I've found that have put a smile on my face recently

Reminds me of the Tolkien saying 'not all those who wander are lost'

Feel the fear, and do it anyway 

I have a few days on my own in the flat before Kay arrives and then I move to my new apartment in Wan Chai. I'll move on Sunday so I can start a fresh on Monday morning. New start, new home in Hong Kong.

I continue to work on my budget. From now I have to consider rent and bills. If I can't find paid work by the 10th November I'll have to review what my next steps will be, to stay in Hong Kong or venture to somewhere new. I am still 100% sure that Hong Kong is where I want to make my home. For the next few days I will hopefully be able to spend no money, although I do need to buy some bedding for my new bed so a trip to Ikea is on the cards. I still need to pay $3800 for this months rent, then $4300 on the 10th of every month till I leave. This is actually a bargain for what I have found in the 4th highest real estate city in the world.

I completed the equivalent of a full days work, compiling a comprehensive list of contacts to send out promotion material and information about Project3200. I have arranged to speak with Gabrielle tomorrow to discuss the next action. I decided to add it to my CV as freelance work to show future employees that I have been working since arriving. I will be in touch with more companies from Monday when I will contact Entertaining Asia and see if I can start working on a freelance/consultation scheme for them. It's one way to get around the visa situation. I do feel a little like an illegal immigrant, but hey, we all have to start somewhere.

No place like home: Hong Kong really does have it ALL 

I headed to Time Square to meet with a friend for some sushi and a movie. I feel much more happy today compared to yesterday. It's nice to already have girl friends to share my thoughts and feelings with. The boys have been great, but they just A. Don't get it and B. don't care. I can talk to the girls about where to get my hair cut, where the best yoga class is, how to get certain products etc etc Boys are good for beer, going out and emotion avoiding. A perfect balance of needs.

A lovely evening nattering and getting to know each other. Talking about friends from home, things I've done, places I've been to. It all makes me realise how very lucky I am. I've had the pleasure of knowing some fabulous people, surrounded by love and people who care. It is the only reason I've ever had the confidence to make it as far as I have......

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