Monday, 20 August 2012

Moving day

Well one thing is certain, a five hour hike in full Asian sun takes all of your energy. With exceptional sun burn and jelly legs I move house today.

I am leaving the apartment in Happy Valley that has been my opening to Hong Kong for four weeks of my life (just over a week in June while I was on holiday, two and a half since returning) to start a new life in Wan Chai. The quite streets of Happy Valley will be exchanged for the busy and bustling streets of Wan Chai. From suburbia to central city life. From free living to rent and bills. I am excited to unpack after three weeks of living out of a suitcase. I will be making my new little room my home.

I have never lived with strangers before. I didn't move away from home for university, I've never flown from the nest, today I fly a little further. Further towards independence, towards standing on my own two feet, to a new life in Hong Kong. I have real responsibility, I am going to be responsible for myself. It's up to me to find a way to pay my way, up to me to make choices, to make decisions affecting my future. I have my own little space in Hong Kong and it's all mine. Leaving the comfort of the apartment in Happy Valley and living with friends, to a new home away from home.

I'm looking forward to my own space, reading lots, watching lots of films, looking for work, meeting new people, learning new things, challenges and new beginnings. I will take each new day as it comes and embrace all the new things that come my way.

I have been offered an interview for an events role but on a local salary. I think I'll go along to the interview, but I will continue to look for a role with a higher salary. I want to save while I'm away from the UK. Whenever I return I'd like enough saved to put a deposit down on a house. On a local salary this won't be possible.

I'm in, unpacked and officially living in Wan Chai. There are basically four people in a small apartment, all very friendly and welcoming, John, Tom and his girlfriend Melanie. Josh helped me bring my stuff from Happy Valley to my new place and we went for some lunch and buns, his favourite being a coconut filled gooie thing, which I ate to be polite, it tasted fowl. First and last sickening bun in Hong Kong. Tomorrow I may head to the cricket club for a swim. My leg muscles are still aching from my five hour hike yesterday so a run tomorrow is off the cards.

I will start applying for jobs tomorrow and continue on with my Feeding Hong Kong work. I'd like to find a nice cafe with free Wi:fi so I don't have to stay cooped up all day in my tiny bedroom. I have found a few in the area, The Pawn is the closest. It looks a bit expensive, but how much can a days worth of green tea cost? Only one way to find out. I will head there tomorrow for my first cafe/office day.

I felt like crying today for the first time since arriving in Hong Kong. A lump formed in my throat and I needed to get out. I made a cup of tea and sat on the roof. Maybe I just need an early night, a swim in the morning and to look at my plans again. There will be times in Hong Kong when everyone is out and about doing their own thing, when no fiends are in town, no family around and empty time. This is when I need to do the things I want to do. Time to buy some glue so I can start scrapbooking.

I need to find my place in my new home. A place that I feel comfortable and happy. I will explore my surroundings and find a new escape, a peaceful place away from the busy streets. I had become very fond of my running route from Happy Valley to Jardine's lookout. I now have Bowen Road and the Peak to explore for my morning run/workout.

My new room faces the main road of Queen's Road East, the volume on my laptop isn't loud enough for me to watch a film and be able to hear it. Hong Kong is noisy, Wan Chai extremely so. How far away quite little Petersfield seems today.

Getting changed in Hong Kong brings all sorts of challenges as your bedroom is always over looked. I have some very sorry looking curtains in my room. I may need to invest in some ear plugs and one of those eye masks.

I might invest in some room accessories, like a lamp, and a mirror, to make it feel a little more homely. It's not in my pre job budget, but four bare walls, a single bed and a hideous rug might take it's toll if I don't put some love into it.

I watched Into the Wild. Richie has a fair few films, which I copied onto my hard drive before moving out. In this particular film, his sister says about the main character, who goes off to live in the wild without money, technology or any home comforts "always been driven, always been an adventurer."

When I was young, as young as I remember, I walked down the stairs, past my parents in the living room and headed up the garden in the dark of the night. I didn't know then where I was heading, all I remember was I was aiming for somewhere. I still don't know where I will end up, or where I am going, but it's in my blood to go and discover, to try new things, seek opportunity, explore new worlds and surrounds, challenge myself, go in the direction that scares me the most and grow through all these challenges that face me.

"The freedom and simple beauty, is just too good to pass up"

I avoided crying and settled in in the knowledge that I am

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